GORUCK Counter Ambush Response - Night

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Event Details

Event Name: GORUCK Counter Ambush Response - Night

Company Name: GORUCK

Start Date: August 26, 2023 at 05:00 PM (Local Time at Event Location)

Event Type: Counter Ambush Response - Night

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Event Cadre Details

Cadre Name: Heath

Cadre Background: Army Special Forces

Cadre Deployments: Iraq, Afghanistan, Asia

Cadre Bio: A more refined soldier who enjoys the finer things in life, such as loud Harleys and hydro Burpees. He enjoys short walks on the beach and long falls from airplanes. He's an adrenaline junky who never fails to fall for the line “I bet you can’t…”

Event data has been taken from the event's official website. Events can be changed at any time so please visit the event's website for the latest details.