GORUCK Selection

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Event Details

Event Name: GORUCK Selection

Company Name: GORUCK

Start Date: October 20, 2022 at 01:00 PM (Local Time at Event Location)

Event Type: Selection

Facebook Event Page: Right Here

Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Event Cadre Details

Cadre Name: JC

Cadre Background: Force Recon Marine

Cadre Deployments: Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa

Cadre Bio: Jerry hails from Michigan but has much love for Louisiana...so Geaux Blue! He believes in family, tradition, and good old healthy livin'. He once ran a 50K and will think twice about doing that again. He loves challenges and encourages competition, so be prepared to bring it.

Cadre Name: Cleve

Cadre Background: Force Recon Marine

Cadre Deployments: Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Asia

Cadre Bio: Cleve believes that it's the simple things in life that are the key to happiness. Like a little pain, misery, and suffering to help bring out the best in us. Out of the Marines, and living in New Jersey. Cleve enjoys spending time with his family, rucking around, falling from the heavens, splashing around in the water, and of course drinking the nectar of the gods, BEER.

Cadre Name: Cadre L DB

Cadre Background: Army Special Operations

Cadre Deployments: Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq

Cadre Bio: After completing over 20 years in Special Operations, this California kid decided to put down roots in the South even picking up on the local colloquialism of y’all and fix’n. However, not to stray too far from his Mexi-Cali heritage, LDB does enjoy the occasional Margarita (or 2, or 3), and ordering Taco Bell in Spanish.

Cadre Name: Cadre Barbarossa

Cadre Background: Army Special Operations

Cadre Deployments: Afghanistan, Horn of Africa, Iraq

Cadre Bio: Barbarossa (red beard) retired out of 5th Special Forces Group after 21 years of service. All of his 18 years in Special Forces was at 5th, with the exception of 3 years as cadre at Special Forces Assessment & Selection helping build future Green Berets. He currently lives in Savannah with his family, sharpening his cocktail making skills on a daily basis.

Cadre Name: Norwich

Cadre Background: Army Special Forces

Cadre Deployments: Afghanistan, Iraq, Phillippines, Asia

Cadre Bio: Fearing he would “miss the war,” Chris dropped out of the Nation’s oldest private military college, joined the Army, and was awarded the Green Beret. Known on his teams as either Norwich or Boy Scout, the tenants of each are captured in ink on his back. Now separated from Group he tries to impart those lessons learned to his small town police department. Chris is happily married to a remarkable woman and enjoys raising a daughter with a balance of glitter and grit.

Cadre Name: Cadre Hand

Cadre Background: Army Special Forces

Cadre Deployments: Somalia, Afghanistan, Europe and Central America

Cadre Bio: Hand is retired US ARMY and served as a Ranger with 3/75 in Somalia and was on one of the first ODAs in Afghanistan after 9/11 as an 18E with 5th Special Forces Group. He has deployed to Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe. He likes the mountains, hiking, mountain biking, beer, bacon and classic rock. He loves the American flag, freedom, football and family. He is dedicated to building better Americans through teamwork (and pain).

Event data has been taken from the event's official website. Events can be changed at any time so please visit the event's website for the latest details.