GORUCK Veterans Day Basic

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Event Details

Event Name: GORUCK Veterans Day Basic

Special Event: Veterans Day

Company Name: GORUCK

Start Date: November 12, 2022 at 02:00 PM (Local Time at Event Location)

Event Type: Basic

Facebook Event Page: Right Here

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana

Event Cadre Details

Cadre Name: Cadre Hand

Cadre Background: Army Special Forces

Cadre Deployments: Somalia, Afghanistan, Europe and Central America

Cadre Bio: Hand is retired US ARMY and served as a Ranger with 3/75 in Somalia and was on one of the first ODAs in Afghanistan after 9/11 as an 18E with 5th Special Forces Group. He has deployed to Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe. He likes the mountains, hiking, mountain biking, beer, bacon and classic rock. He loves the American flag, freedom, football and family. He is dedicated to building better Americans through teamwork (and pain).

Event data has been taken from the event's official website. Events can be changed at any time so please visit the event's website for the latest details.