GORUCK War Stories

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Event Details

Event Name: GORUCK War Stories

Company Name: GORUCK

Start Date: September 30, 2022 at 07:00 PM (Local Time at Event Location)

Event Type: War Stories

Location: Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Location Name: GORUCK HQ

Location Address: 415 Pablo Avenue North, Suite 140, Jacksonville Beach, FL

Event Cadre Details

Cadre Name: Igor

Cadre Background: Army Special Operations

Cadre Deployments: Europe, Middle East, Horn of Africa

Cadre Bio: Spent 14 years in Army Special Operations and is now a Washington Bureaucrat continuing to contribute to our Nation's Defense! Father of 5 awesome young adults and living life to the fullest.

Event data has been taken from the event's official website. Events can be changed at any time so please visit the event's website for the latest details.