Green Beret Fitness Cerberus Series: San Diego

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Event Details

Event Name: Green Beret Fitness Cerberus Series: San Diego

Company Name: Green Beret Fitness

Start Date: October 7, 2023 at 04:00 AM (Local Time at Event Location)

Location: San Diego, California

Location Name: San Diego

Location Address: San Diego, CA, USA

40+ hour endurance event in collaboration with Heavy Drop Training, Castlemen Events, & Green Beret Fitness.

The 3-headed Cerberus guards the gates of Hell and these 3 forces have come together to draw out your inner demons, pushing you mentally & physically, but also leaving you with more knowledge than you came with. Prepare for an event like nonother.

This event will be a mix of multiple expertise’s coming together. Throughout the event you will have multiple sandbag and ruck based exercises in addition to Castlemen Events teaching you multiple skills and team building while getting in miles through unforgiving terrain.

To complete the trio, you have us, Green Beret Fitness, who will be bringing a selection of real military tests and experiences: maybe it is speed rucking, or casualty extraction, or vehicle rescue. Or maybe it is sitting still and observing enemy movement when you're cold, tired, and wet.

All in all, it’s going to be one hell of a time... what you put into this event will show at endex.

Expect the unexpected.


Event data has been taken from the event's official website. Events can be changed at any time so please visit the event's website for the latest details.