Green Beret Fitness Operation PACK HORSE

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Event Details

Event Name: Green Beret Fitness Operation PACK HORSE

Company Name: Green Beret Fitness

Start Date: November 4, 2023 at 07:00 AM (Local Time at Event Location)

Location: San Diego, California

Location Name: San Diego

Location Address: Cowles Mountain, San Diego, CA 92119, USA

Operation PACK HORSE

Distance: 6 +/- miles

Event Start Time: Saturday 4th November 2023 at 0700hrs

Start Location: Cowles Mountain Parking Lot, CA

Event Finish Time: Saturday 4th November 2023 at 1600hrs

Finish Location: Cowles Mountain Parking Lot, CA


Operation PACK HORSE takes place at the same time as Operation DARK HORSE in  Mission Trails Regional Park area of San Diego. This event has optional weight but only the prescribed weight will be eligible for dog tags.


Candidates must complete the 6 +/- mile route in under 6 hours to pass and under 3 hours to earn the GBF Operation PACK HORSE Dog Tag.


Candidates will meet at the Cowles Mountain Parking Lot parking area. After 0700hrs, GBF Staff will give an event brief before checking candidates' kits. Candidates are advised to carry paper maps (waterproofed), in addition to their smartphone, for navigation. Once GBF Staff are happy with the candidate's kit, they will be released to begin the route.

Candidates wishing to earn their GBF dog tag must carry 60 lbs (males) or 40 lbs (females) and finish under 3 hours will receive the highly sought-after 'GBF Operation PACK HORSE’ dog tags.

Service Support

- Mapping. You can navigate this route easily from the AllTrails app on your Smartphone. GBF suggests candidates have a paper map, compass, and GPS too. To download the route from AllTrails, you will need to sign up for a membership.

- Route. Operation PACK HORSE

- Dress. Candidates' dress will be a personal choice but they are reminded this is a rural event with no vehicle support.

- Equipment.

This list is mandatory. You will NOT be allowed to start if an item is missing. (Items linked are for guidance only)

- Replen. This is a self sufficient route with NO DRINKING WATER RESUPPLY. There will be water and bananas at the start / finish.

- Rations. Candidates must have a minimum of 2 x energy bars as emergency rations. It is strongly advised the candidates take extra food with them.

- Water. Candidates should carry enough water to last 8 +/- miles in case they get lost. There will also be water at the end. Candidates must start the event with a minimum of 3 litres of water or they will not be allowed to start.

- Medical. A personal medical kit is required by every candidate. GBF Staff must be made aware of any medical conditions prior to starting the event. If any GBF staff deems a candidate is medically unfit to continue, they may be withdrawn from the event for their own safety.

- Transport. Transport to and from the event will be at candidates own arrangement.

Command and Signal

GBF HQ - 9419939432

Weight - Candidate’s wishing to earn their GBF Op PACK HORSE dog tag must carry 60 lbs (males) or 40 lbs (females) plus food and water. If you are not seeking to earn your dog tags, you can carry any weight.

Numbers - Maximum number of candidates 26. Minimum number of candidates 10.

Cost - $65 until end of 2022

($95 from 1st January 2023)

Refunds - Refunds will be in the form of a GBF voucher for future events. Refunds within 30 days of an event will not be possible.

Event data has been taken from the event's official website. Events can be changed at any time so please visit the event's website for the latest details.